Texas: Month Two

At some point, I will quit counting months. Right now though, it is fun to tell people “I’m new!”, which basically means, “I know nothing, be nice!” I still get lost frequently, people still make comments about my accent and I still think their strong pride in all things Texan is adorable.

March is the month that the Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show comes to town. This is HUGE…and I mean HUGE! I had been to a rodeo before in Cody, Wyoming and from what I remember it was small, outside and lots of fun. The Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show is a spectacle. It is in a football stadium…with fireworks…and a concert…and a whole livestock show!

The Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show

The livestock show was so much fun. We got to see chickens hatching and at various stages of development, baby piglets, baby goats (kids?), And there was lots of stuff to buy like outrageous bedazzled cowgirl gear, huge trucks, John Deere mowers, boots, you name it, it was there. No, I didn’t buy any rhinestone cowboy gear, don’t worry. Sadly though, I cannot say I hate country music any longer because I actually enjoyed the concert with The Band Perry. I may or may not be downloading two songs into my iPod (gasp!).

We had the most amazing seats at the rodeo, over the squeeze so my nerdy self could get into the whole process of organizing the riders, the bulls and horses. The best part was that we could see how angry the bulls would already be in their pens and knew which ones would be extra scary.

My Bull Blue

Meet Blue, isn’t that the best name for a bull? Blue was the largest bull I’ve ever seen and he was not digging this whole ordeal. He got extra crazy before his turn that he tried to jump over the gate. I don’t believe the cowboy even qualified on Blue…..I was rooting for Blue.


Since I love animals so much, I actually found myself rooting for the calves during the roping competitions. After seeing adorable little piglets and goats at the livestock show, I couldn’t help myself. Who wouldn’t be absolutely crazy over these cabooses?

 So the rodeo was the highlight of my spring break and really the entire month of March. I’ve finally gotten into the groove of life and started to get used to my commute, scheduling in my workouts and even reading again. And most importantly, knitting! I bet all of you former students are wondering if I’m ever going to knit again! Well, yes. I won’t be teaching again for quite a while, but I’ve finally finished Mira’s Cowl (pictures to come!) and just ordered some beautiful yarn from Knit Picks to make the long-awaited Holden’s Shawlette. I’m crazy excited!


 I promise, more knitting, less farm animals….any day now!

Happy Knitting!

Peace and piglets, Pookah

2 thoughts on “Texas: Month Two

  1. Pingback: The Texasification of Pookah | Pookah Knits

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