Wrapping Up

20140804-124013-45613836.jpgGuess what?

My Color Affection wrap is all seamed up and ready for soaking in my new knit wash. Yippee! Almost ready to wrap this wrap! (wah, wah..corny jokes).

It is has been a long journey and I am ready to wear this beast! Too bad it is too hot in the middle of the summer…Good job self!

If you will refrain from noticing, I’m not too pleased with those bunchy ends. The reason for this is that I pulled too tightly on those rows where I switched from color to color. According to my knit pal who is way better researched than I (and a way better knitter too!), Ravelry users advised that you should slip your last stitches in order to lessen the pucker-iness of the knit. I was so far along (a.k.a. too low on cares) by the time I heard this advice and I wish I would have done the same! Heed the advice knitters!

I’m hoping the pucker-iness will go away a bit with some good stretching during the blocking process. Now I just have to find a tub large enough to soak it in and a way to keep my cat off of it while it is drying, stabbed to my foam blocking board.
